Five Reasons Why Your Appliance Trips Your Fuse Board

Five Reasons Why Your Appliance Trips Your Fuse Board

March 21, 2022

We've all been there - you turn on the kitchen lights to find the whole house has gone dark. It's a frustrating situation that can perplex even the most experienced homeowners. But have no fear - it's not just you - this is a problem many faces. The good news is that you may avoid these aggravating blackouts with a little bit of investigative work.


Your fuse board protects your home from dangerous electrical surges and short circuits. However, sometimes your fuse board will trip regardless of whether or not you have an electrical problem. It is usually because a current is flowing through your appliance. This current can cause a build-up of heat, which causes your fuse board to trip.


Well, there are several reasons why this occurs. In this blog, we will be discussing five reasons why your appliance trips your fuse board. Let's have a look;


1. A defective plug or cable is the most typical cause of an appliance tripping a breaker. If the cable has been damaged by something heavy being dropped, it can happen. If you have little pets, make sure they haven't chewed the cable. The plug may be broken if it is severely knocked or yanked. A common source of this type of damage is stumbling over the cord and removing the pin. The circuit is presumably shorted as the live and neutral wires touch in this situation. The breaker trips, cutting the electricity. If the cable is damaged, it may appear fine in one place but shorts the circuit when shifted. In many circumstances, the line may be repositioned for months before the breaker trips again.


2. Electrical cables are certified for a specific quantity of electricity, limiting the load you can put on them. To prevent electrical fires from occurring, the breaker will be sized to trip before the wires' capacity is reached. A single device can surpass the wiring capacity and trip the breaker. Still, this problem is considerably more likely to occur due to cumulative overloading, which is a fancy way of stating you hooked too many things into the same circuit. The best approach to test this is to unplug two appliances, one of which you believe is the problem, and then reconnect them, but first connect the suspected problem device. You overload your circuit if the breaker only trips when you reconnect the second appliance.


3. Sadly, appliances can have faults. It could be caused to physical trauma (such as a lamp falling off a table), normal wear and tear, or just poor design. Regardless of the cause, you can test the appliance by connecting it to a different circuit and seeing if it trips the same breaker or unplugging everything except the potentially problematic device. If your machine is broken, the following steps will be based on your choices. If it's a cheap radio, you can probably toss it. If it's a costly or sentimental item, get it repaired. Regardless, don't re-plug it while the problem persists.


4. Your research may point to a particular device as the source of the tripped breaker, but it is often the outlet. Remember that the breaker controls the entire circuit, including all wires and outlets between it and the appliances. Scorch marks surrounding the socket, burning smells, and smoke indicate a malfunctioning electrical outlet. Just move the device to another socket on the same breaker circuit to test this problem. If the breaker stops tripping, the appliance is exemplary.


5. We don't want water in our electrical appliances or outlets, because water transmits electricity. If your appliance has been spilled on, there is likely moisture within shorting the electrical components. It will only harm the machine in many circumstances, maybe blowing the plug fuse, but it can also trip your breaker.


While electrical appliances tripping your fuse board is relatively unusual, it's vital to realize that your home's electrical network has many more failure sites than simply the appliances.


And, of course, never attempt to disregard such an issue. If your fuse board keeps tripping, there is a problem that needs to be addressed.


If you need help with your appliances, Volt Appliance Repair can assist you. You can trust to our experts for professional maintenance and repair services. To get started you can request a call, or give us a call at (888) 285-7957
